CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Human Skeletal System
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Introduces the skeletal system by discussing the structure and function of bones.
Ab Cya: Learn the Skeletal System: Label the Bones
How well do you know the human skeletal system? Take advantage of this interactive program by matching bone names to the illustration or by assembling the skeleton.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Skeletal System Quiz
Take this interactive, multiple-choice quiz over the human skeletal system, then review your score and any missed questions at the end.
SEN Teacher
Sen Teacher: Skeleton Labels
This skeleton labeling worksheet can be customized for different levels of difficulty, and then printed.
SEN Teacher
Sen Teacher: Label a Skeleton: Free Education Software
You can download free software here for Windows, Mac or Linux that presents the human skeleton, with or without flesh, with labeled skeletal parts. There is a quiz mode where students must match the labels to each bone as a timer goes.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Physics 2000: X Rays
Here's a really simple demonstration of a fluoroscope. There are links to more information about the uses of X-rays as well.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Bones and Human Skeleton
Kids learn about the science of bones and the human skeleton. How they keep us together and protect us from harm.