Siteseen: American Historama: Harry Truman
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Harry S Truman and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: The Atomic Bomb
Provides interesting information, history, and facts on the Atomic Bomb and its use during WWII.
Siteseen: American Historama: Vj Day
Provides detailed facts and important information about VJ Day (Victory over Japan Day) and the end of WW2.
Siteseen: American Historama: Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb
Discussion of the effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and the end of World War II.
Siteseen: American Historama: Taft Hartley Act
Important information and fun facts about the 1947 Taft Hartley Act, a major revision of the 1935 Wagner Act.
Siteseen: American Historama: Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was a wartime summit meeting whose purpose was to clarify and implement the terms for the end of WW2 that had been agreed at the Yalta Conference. It began on July 17, 1945, and ended on August 2, 1945.
Siteseen: American Historama: The Korean War
Presents facts and a timeline of the Korean War (June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953).
Siteseen: American Historama: Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan of June 1947 was a US-financed relief package, providing funds to European nations to assist their reconstruction after the devastation of WW2.
Siteseen: American Historama: Truman Doctrine
Discussion of the Truman Doctrine that pledged to support other countries in their struggle against communism, the key element being the policy of containment.
Siteseen: American Historama: Nato
The NATO Treaty formed in 1949 during the Cold War to create a mutual defense pact aimed at containing possible Soviet expansion into Europe.
Siteseen: American Historama: Alger Hiss
Fact sheet and biography contain interesting information and history on Alger Hiss who was accused by Whitaker Chambers as being a Communist and Soviet spy.
Siteseen: American Historama: United Nations
A summary and interesting facts about the United Nations (UN) founded on October 24, 1945, to maintain international peace and security by adopting a peacekeeping role and working to prevent conflict and helping parties in conflict make...
Siteseen: American Historama: Containment
The purpose of the United States policy of Containment was to restrict the spread of communism abroad and was strongly associated with the Domino Theory.
Siteseen: American Historama: Berlin Blockade
Learn about the Berlin blockade by the Soviets that closed the entry points to the Western zones of Berlin.
Siteseen: American Historama: Berlin Airlift
The Berlin airlift was a rescue mission by the United States, Great Britain, and other western European nations to keep West Berlin alive despite the Soviet blockade.
Siteseen: American Historama: Mc Carthyism
Learn detailed facts about McCarthyism, the anti-communist 'witch hunts' of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1950 - 1956) consisting of investigations and persecution of alleged communists in America in which accusations of treason or subversion...
Siteseen: American Historama: Huac
The HUAC was formed in 1938 to investigate Fascist and Communist activities in the United States but came into prominence in 1947 during the second Red Scare in the Cold War era and the "Communist Witch Hunts".