Northern Virginia Community College

Introduction to Theatre: Realism

For Students 9th - 10th
This site is from a college course and it goes into detail with realism. It examines background, the emergence of realism, beginnings, the writers, and others. It is very in-depth and full of good information.
Northern Virginia Community College

Introduction to Theater: The Renaissance/neoclassicism in Italy

For Students 9th - 10th
Brief class notes on the Italian Renaissance, Also includes notes on Neoclassicism, Italian staging and Commedia dell'Arte
Northern Virginia Community College

Nova: Introduction to Theatre: Romanticism

For Students 9th - 10th
This page presents outline notes on Romanticism in the theatre. It lists and describes the main characteristics of Romanticism, lists some of the main actors of the Romantic period, and includes some general information about the...
Northern Virginia Community College

Introduction to Theatre: The Elizabethan Stage

For Students 9th - 10th
This site mainly discusses the Elizabethan Theatres. It gives statistics about the various theatres of that time period, and provides interesting information about them. Some information on William Shakespeare is also provided.

Wikipedia: Classicism

For Students 9th - 10th
Wikipedia provides a brief overview of the classicist form of drama is provided in this encyclopedia article. The Three Unities of time, place, and action are also discussed along with a listing of classicist playwrights.

Theatre Database: Beaumont and Fletcher

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from Theatre Database presents a biography of Elizabethan dramatists and collaborators Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. The information is somewhat in-depth and throughout links are provided for additional information. Also...