University of Nebraska Omaha
Ec Ed Web: Virtual Economics Web Companion
The Virtual Economics Web Companion for K-12 economics and social studies teachers was created by the National Council on Economic Education. A wide variety of educational materials and lesson plans can be accessed through this site....
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Chapter 13: Introduction to Money and Banking
In this chapter, you will learn about the following: Defining money by its functions; Measuring money-currency; M1, and M2; The role of banks; and How banks create money.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 13: Money and Banking: Key Concepts and Summary
This section summarizes the key concepts presented in Ch. 13: Money and Banking from the Texas Gateway AP Macroeconomics online text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 13: Money and Banking: How Banks Create Money
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: Utilize the money multiplier formulate to determine how banks create money, analyze and create T-account balance sheets, evaluate the risks and benefits of money and banks.