Virginia Tech
Virginia Polytechnic Institute: Greenhouse Dinosaur Extinction Theory
This comprehensive page discusses the Asteroid Impact vs. Volcano-Greenhouse dinosaur extinction debate. It was written by paleontologist, professor, and scientist Dr. Dewey McLean.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Caribbean Sea: How Can We Classify Animals?
Welcome to Hideaway Island where five pirates need to find crews for their ships. Join in and learn about animals with backbones.
Scholastic: Wild Animal Watch Dolphins
An informative site about dolphins by Scholastic. Great links to activities and games, other web links about dolphins and a teacher page.
Scholastic: All About Dolphins
Dolphin expert Dan Odell answers basic questions about dolphins and their lives.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Animal Classification Game
Decide whether an animal is an amphibian, insect, mammal or reptile with this interactive classification game.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Ology: Moving Mammals
Students explore the different ways mammals move by observing them walk, hop, gallop, swim and swing in animations. Facts about habitat and structure are also included in these animations.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Coyote
Explore the world of the Coyote through this educational resource. This site features information on coyotes ranging from characteristics, diet, reproduction, range, habitat, and behavior.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Eastern Fox Squirrel
Learn more about the eastern fox squirrel through this educational resource. Students will discover facts about this mammal's habitat, diet, characteristics, range and more.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Gray Fox
What do you want to know about the gray fox? This site features information on this mammal's behavior, characteristics, diet, habitat, life cycle, and range. Come and learn more about this fascinating type of dog.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
This source looks at the Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel. Examine the behavior, characteristics, range, habitat, diet, and life style of this fascinating ground squirrel.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Hairy Tailed Mole
Discover what makes the Hairy-Tailed Mole unique? This site features photographs of this insectivore and information ranging from characteristics and habitat to life cycle and behavior.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Hoary Marmot
What do you want to know about the Hoary Marmot? Check out this educational resource featuring information on behavior, range, habitat, life cycle, characteristics, and diet.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Jaguarundi
Learn more about the Jaguarundi through the exploration of this resource. The content of this site includes information on behavior, characteristics, life cycle, diet, range and habitat.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Mexican Ground Squirrel
The Mexican ground squirrel can be found from Northern Mexico north along the Gulf coast of Texas and into western and central Texas and southeastern New Mexico. This resource includes content ranging from characteristics and life cycle...
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: White Nosed Coati
This site features a wide range of information on the White-Nosed Coati. The content of this resource includes a look at this species' characteristics, range, habitat, food, and more.
Wikipedia: Aardvark
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia provides a brief overview of the aardvark. Additional content includes a focus on "aardvark" as a subject of humor in British comedy.
Estrella Mountain Community College
Estrella Mountain Community College: Class Mammalia: Got Milk?
This resource contains general information about the class Mammalia and their unifying characteristics.
Wikipedia: Mammal
Wikipedia, an open-source encyclopedia, provides great information on mammals. Content includes a look at mammal characteristics, origins, classification, and more.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Smart Are Dolphins?
Lori Marino details some incredible facts about dolphins nad their intelligence. [4:51]
Ladywildlife's How Mammals Move
Discusses the different ways mammals move. Also presents some key facts about some unique mammals and how they move.
Pbs Nature Critter Guide: Mammals: Aardvarks
This PBS Critter Guide gives a brief description of the aardvarks life and habitat. This site would be useful for students who need help narrowing their Internet research information into a manageable amount.
Regents of the University of Michigan
Animal Diversity Web: Mammalia
For an overview of the anatomy and characteristics of mammals, visit this Animal Diversity Website. Discusses characteristics not found in other animals, the function of their hair, and their production of milk.
Orpheus Books
Q Files: Life: Mammals
Check out the facts about mammals from diversity to their social groups.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Animals at the Zoo From a to Z.
Get information about a variety of mammals using this online alphabetical index. Information includes facts about their classification, habitat, diet, behavior and conservation status.