Teach Engineering: Focus on Fabrics: Putting Materials to Good Use
The goal is for students to understand the basics of engineering associated with the use, selection, and properties of fabrics. A wide variety of natural and synthetic fibers are used in our clothing, home furnishings and in our travel...
Quizlet: Properties of Metalloids, Metals, and Nonmetals
Use these flashcards to help study the properties of metalloids, metals, and nonmetals. You can study them online, have them read to you, or print them out. To enhance your learning, there are tests to take and games to play.
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science: Ms Ps1 3: Synthetic Materials
Do you need some materials to help you do a lesson on synthetic materials? This site contains work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos that cover the materials synthetic materials come from and how they impact society.