Samuel Johnson Page: Brief Biography
A biographical sketch of Johnson, featuring information about his difficult birth and childhood illnesses, his failed teaching career, and some details of his literary accomplishments.
Up Word: The First Book of Urizen
A verse-by-verse version of William Blake's (1757-1827 CE) First Book of Urizen is offered here at up Word. A lot of clicking, as each verse is a separate page. Not illustrated.
Literacy Heritage: a.e. Housman: 1859 1936
A "Profile" of A.E. Housman with focus on "A Shropshire Lad" and its impact on the public and his students, who were surprised at the contrast between the poet and the man they knew in the classroom.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poetry of John Gay
This site contains links to selected poems by John Gay. Also included is some biography details about him.
Bartleby.com: Andrew Marvell the Garden*
This site provides the orginal text of Marvell's poem, "The Garden," without explanatory note. In this poem, Marvell compares the soldiers in England's Civil War to flowers.
University of Georgia
University of Georgia: The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake
This is the full collection of The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. Click on the title of the desired poem or series of poems.
Academy of American Poets
Poets.org: Andrew Marvell
A biography of 17th century British poet, Andrew Marvell, with the texts of three of his works. Included is his most famous poem, "To His Coy Mistress."
Academy of American Poets
Poets.org: Robert Graves
This heplful biography of Graves also includes a number of related links and a photo.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: John Milton
This John Milton resource provides links to lesson plans, full-texts of Paradise Lost and other poems, teaching ideas, and biographical information.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Alexander Pope
Explore the world of Alexander Pope through the links found in this informative resource. This site provides links to biographical information and lesson plans for "The Rape of Lock."
Bbc Audio Interviews: Siegfried Sassoon
The BBC provides an audio clip featuring Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967 CE), the English poet and novelist. Additional content includes a brief biography and a list of key works.
Incompetech: Samuel Taylor "Estese" Coleridge 1772 1834
This site provides a biography of the Romantic age poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: A New View on a New World
A seminar focusing on Andrew Marvell (1621-1678), comparing his poem 'Bermudas' with contemporary maps of the Bermuda Islands.
George Mason Univ./chronology of Ann Finch's Poems
This site gives a brief chronology of Ann Finch's life along with quotes, comments, and excerpts from the poetry she was writing at each stage of her life.
The Medal by John Dryden
The full text of the poem, along with a brief opening note is offered at this site.
About Fly Fishing: The Bait by John Donne Flyfishing and Romance
This resource provides the text to John Donne's poem "The Bait".
University of Massachusetts
Univ. Of Mass.: A Very Brief Biography of Alexander Pope
This site gives a brief overview of Alexander Pope's life. It includes links to two pictures of him--one as a child and one as an adult.
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Alexander Pope
This site provides a biography of Alexander Pope including detailed information about Pope's life and literary career. Please note that "The Catholic Encyclopedia" is a historic reference source and should be viewed in the context of...
Bartleby.com: "A Priest to the Temple"
From a scholarly work, this page from Bartelby.com discusses Herbert's "A Priest to the Temple," and shows it as a reflection of Herbert's own character.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' [Ppt]
A brief slideshow prepared by two British students looking at different interpretations of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem, 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.' (Note: The slideshow may need a bit of editing in order to reposition images,...