The World Bank
World Bank Group: Countries and Regions
This site contains links to many different countries around the world. Each country site gives information on the country and its poverty situation. The World Bank Group is involved in helping to eliminate poverty.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Geography Topics
Geographical information from the U.S. Census Bureau: Maps and Mapping resources, Census Tract Resources, Geographic Programs, Reference Resources, and more.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment Situation Summary
This site from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics provides information on the current unemployment status in the United States.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 18: Causes of Unemployment Around the World
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: Explain the nature and causes of unemployment, Analyze the natural rate of unemployment and the factors that affect it, and Identify how undeveloped labor markets can...
Information Technology Associates Country Profiles
Statistical information about different countries in the world including the economies and rate of unemployment. With links to CIA World Fact Book going back many years.
Joseph Rowntree Fdn:geographical Variations in Unemployment & Non Employment
This PDF resource explains the difference between unemployment and inactivity in Great Britain and the geographical and regional patterns involved in each. The focus is on trends in the 1980s and 1990s. (Published April 30, 1998)