Engine Science: Volumetric Efficiency
This page discusses the science and mechanics involved in the operation of a basic four stroke engine.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Sound Wave Characteristics
Kids learn about the characteristics of sound waves in the science of physics including mechanical, longitudinal, pressure, and intensity.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Wave Physics Glossary and Terms
Kids learn about the glossary and terms of waves in the science of physics including frequency, amplitude, transverse, mechanical, longitudinal, and more.
National Music Publishers Association
NMPA is dedicated to the protection of music copyright across all media. It also distributes information to its members.
Class Flow: Bicycle History
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students learn the technological and mechanical advances throughout bicycle history.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Basic Science of Waves
Kids learn about waves in the science of physics including types such as mechanical, electromagnetic, transverse, and longitudinal. Facts and examples are included.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Tracing the Transformation of Energy in a System
Trace the transformations of energy (kinetic to potential, etc.) in a system, e.g., a person rowing a boat or child swinging.