Nebraska Studies
Nebraska Studies: Notable Nebraskan: Father Edward J. Flanagan
Father Edward J. Flanagan was the founder of the first Boys Town, a home for at-risk boys, is featured in this biography.
Nebraska Studies
Nebraska Studies: Notable Nebraskan: J. Sterling Morton
Nebraska Studies presents a focused biography of one of the founders of Arbor Day, J. Sterling Morton.
Nebraska Studies
Nebraska Studies: Solomon Butcher Photographs the Sod House Frontier
This is a brief biography of Nebraska photographer, Solomon Butcher, made history when he traveled, photographed, and wrote about Custer County.
Architect of the Capitol: Julius Sterling Morton
This site has a biography of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902 CE), the famous Nebraskan and successful farmer. He taught people about modern techniques of farming and forestry and went on to be the founder of Arbor Day.