Bibliomania: Full Text of Billy Budd
This site from Bibliomania contains the full text to Herman Melville's Billy Budd written in 1891. A brief but factual introduction is given along with a table of contents that has each chapter of the book accessible by link.
Cengage Learning
Houghton Mifflin College: Herman Melville's Major Themes
This website discusses Melville's major themes, the historical and personal issues that affected his work, and provides comparisons with other writers of the time. Also included are study/discussion questions for "Billy Budd," "Benito...
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: Authors: Herman Melville
This site features the author Herman Melville including a biography, the full text of four novels, and three short stories. The novels include Billy Budd, Moby Dick, Omoo, and Typee: A Romance of the South Sea.
University of North Carolina: Herman Melville
This site from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke provides a biography in outline form and a chronology of major events in the life of Herman Melville (1819-1891 CE). Includes a discussion of issues and themes in Melville's...