E Server: Marx/engels Collection: Engel's Speech at the Burial of Marx
Gives a synopsis of the life work of Marx, focussing on his attempts to make a better life for the proletariat.
Wikipedia: Bourgeoisie
An encyclopedic explanation of what the term bourgeoisie means in Marxist theory, and how the definition evolved in the 20th century.
Marxists Internet Archive
Marxists Internet Archive: The Principles of Communism
This site from the Marxists Internet Archive provides the Principles of Communism, written by Frederick Engels, defines Proletariats in the second section of this page. Defines proletarianism, and then answers more detailed questions...
Wikipedia: Proletariat
Wikipedia offers the definition of the Proletariat, the working class as defined by the Romans and by in Marxist theory.
Marxists Internet Archive Proletariat
View Karl Marx's definition of what the proletariat is. Also information on its origins and a discussion on the issues that need to be examined in relation to Marx's definition is given.