Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Parallel Form

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site from the Capital Community College defines the term and gives many examples of faulty parallelism and the corrected version of sentences. Includes links to a couple of quizzes at the bottom of the page. "Most of the...
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Clauses: The Essential Building Blocks

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Online PowerPoint writing tutorial on the subject of clauses in sentences. L.9-10.1b Phrases/Clauses
Unit Plan
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Garden of Phrases

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This tutorial provides rules, explanations, and examples for noun phrases, prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, absolute phrases, gerund phrases, participial phrases, and infinitive phrases. Also includes an interactive quiz....
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Principles of Organization

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In writing and reading organization is the key to a reader's understanding. A great site for those of you who are looking for some further explanation of organization in writing. There is instruction, an example text, and specific...
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Transitions Between Ideas

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This tutorial teaches writing students how to share convincing in well-written sentences that are connected from one to the other--that is, they exhibit transition. W.9-10.1c cohesion/clarity/reason, W.9-10.2c cohesion/clarity/trans
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Sense of Purpose

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Not only does this site from Capital College Community Foundation give you a fine explanation of writing purpose and how to identify yours, it also provides good examples of how to develop that purpose in a piece of writing. W.9-10.4...
Unit Plan
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Consistency of Tense and Pronoun

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Brief instruction on maintaining pronoun and verb tense consistency. Links to additional help and quiz are included.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Progressive Form of Verbs

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Information and examples of progressive, stative, and dynamic verb usage in the English language.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Quiz on Comma Usage

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In this comma quiz, students read each of two paragraphs and insert necessary commas. When finished with both paragraphs, they click "Explanations" to see the correct comma placements. Java is required. Links are also provided to "Guide...
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Principles of a Composition

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Writing a Paper? Here at the Capital Community College is everything you could ever ask for while preparing your essay. This site includes the writing process, structure, thesis statement, transitions, the computer as a writing...
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Using the Subjunctive

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site from the Capital Community College provides a quiz on the subjunctive verb tense. As the author notes, "the subjunctive form will not be the best choice in all sentences," so be careful.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Notorious Confusables

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
This 12 question quiz covers commonly confused words such as than/then, it's/its, and whether/weather. Links are provided to more quizzes and the "Guide to Grammar and Writing."
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Exercise Plurals & Possessives

For Students 9th - 10th
This site offers exercises in the sometimes confusing use of plurals of possessives. In each space write "C" if correct, or "I" if incorrect. Then click on "Submit Application" for the answers.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Quiz on Punctuation

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Select the correctly punctuated sentence in each group. Then click on "Submit Application" for the self-monitoring answer key.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Its & It's & There, Their & They're Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Ten sentences test your knowledge of when to use its or it's, there or their or "they're and the like. Click Submit to see answer key.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Pronoun Choice Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Ten choose-the-correct-pronoun sentences. Click Submit button to see right and wrong answers.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Direct and Indirect Objects

For Students 9th - 10th
Tutorial on the proper usage of direct objects and indirect objects. Discusses difference between direct objects and object complements.
Unknown Type
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Sentence Parts Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This quiz is "a very basic quiz" that covers the various parts of a sentence (clause, gerund, adjective, preposition) in a ten question matching format.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Diagramming Sentences

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A complete guide from the Capital Community College to diagramming grammar sentences.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Count and Non Count Nouns

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn about count nouns--things you can count--and how they are used as parts of speech.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Deadly Sins Checklist

For Students 9th - 10th
Lists five "deadly sins" to purge from your writing. If you're not sure how to correct these errors, just click on the list item to link to more information.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Irregular Verbs Crossword Puzzle

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Online crossword from the Capital Community College that reviews simple past tense and past participles of irregular verbs. Options for seeing hints and doing over the incorrect answers.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: Capitalization

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
If you scroll down to the middle of the page, you will find a section that explains the rules for capitalizing people's titles and the names of political entities.
Capital Community College Foundation

Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Narrative Essay

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Need help picking out the elements of a narrative? Check this site out from Capital Community College, and you'll see some background information, a sample essay, and directed questions to ask yourself about a text. W.9-10.3 Narrative,...