Arizona State University
Asu: Chicana and Chicano Space
Provided by Arizona State University, this website is a comprehensive thematic, inquiry-based art education resource. Includes two interdisciplinary units of lessons.
Arizona State University
Chicana and Chicano Space: Protest and Persuasion
Part of a larger website provided by Arizona State University on Chicano art, this learning is focused on "Protest and Persuasion," in art, particularly in printmaking or making murals. Includes lessons, sample work, and more.
Wnet: Thirteen: Ed Online: What Do Inquiry Based Lesson Plans Look Like?
Inquiry-based lesson plans are usually referred to as "facilitation plans," to help teachers remember their role as facilitator of learning, rather than fount of all wisdom. The notion also helps teachers structure lessons more loosely...
University of California
Wise: The Web Based Inquiry Science Environment
[Free Registration/Login Required] WISE provides a wide range of science inquiry projects that address contemporary and traditional topics in earth science, the life sciences, physics, and chemistry. Work is done online, and teachers can...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Teaching Geography: European Union
Explore the European region and consider what makes a successful city and how effective is supranationalism? A video features Berlin and Amsterdam for urban development and then looks into the concept of supranationalism in the European...
Kqed: Mind Shift: Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning
Read these eight quick suggestions you can use with your students to begin infusing inquiry-based learning into your instruction.
Kqed: Mind Shift: How to Trigger Students' Inquiry Through Projects
Project based learning helps students tap into their inquiry and curiosity. Use these five steps to help you develop meaningful student projects in your classroom.
Wnet: Thirteen: Ed Online: Inquiry Based Learning: Inquiry in Action: In Classrooms
Three sets of videos - ten in all - showing teachers using inquiry-based learning in real classrooms.
Arizona State University
Chicana and Chicano Space: Inquiry
Provided by Arizona State University, this website is a comprehensive thematic, inquiry-based art education resource. Includes two interdisciplinary units of lessons.
Wnet: Thirteen: Concept to Classroom: Workshop: Inquiry Based Learning
Explanations, examples, defined vocabulary terms, and answers to questions about nquiry-based learning.
Science Notebooks
Using science notebooks can be a boon for teachers looking for ways to bolster critical thinking, writing, analysis and scientific knowledge. This site offers examples, answers frequently asked questions and includes resources for teachers.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Inquiry Page: Learning Begins With Questions
What exactly is inquiry-based learning? Use this website to learn more about this unique learning style.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Rocks a Lesson in Inquiry
For this activity, students sort and classify rocks in small groups, and record questions they have. The class will sort the questions into investigatory and non-investigatory questions. They will choose one to investigate, make a...