The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: How to Use a Thesaurus
A good overview of what a thesaurus is and how best to use one. Also includes the difference between the two forms of thesauri and explains how to choose the correct synonym to use. L.9-10.4c References
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Sensory Details
This site provides several sample sentences which show sensory details and aid students in writing specific rather than general sentences. It is a good site for someone preparing to write a descriptive essay. W.9-10.3d Precise/sensory...
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Cohesion: Using Repetition and Reference Words
This site gives a brief overview of how to achieve cohesion or coherence in writing. It explains how the repeating of key words and using reference words help tie ideas together. Use link in first paragraph to find charts of transitional...