The Alchemical Drama of Goethe's Faust
This essay, written by Adam McLean, contains a synopsis of "Faust" as well as a critical discussion which emphasizes the work's alchemical themes.
Authors Calendar
Author's Calendar: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
This site offers a biography of Goethe, a brief discussion of his most famous work, "Faust," and a list of the many versions of this work. Also includes a bibliography.
Gefunden/johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
A translation of Goethe's poem "Gefunden" accompanied by interpretive music and artwork.
Der Wandrer/johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
This site features a translation of Goethe's verse play "Der Wandrer" as well as interpretive music and artwork to enhance our enjoyment of the play.
Der Schatzgraber/johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
An English translation of "Der Schatzgraber" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe accompanied by interpretive artwork and music.
Bridgewater College: Goethe's Faust
Here are some thought-provoking questions on Goethe's "Faust" from Bridgewater College. There are also links to an excellent biography of Goethe, a study guide to "Faust," ideas for essays, the Goethe Society Home Page, the English text...