Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Native Voices: Ghost Dance Songs
A Native American Paiute man known as Wovoka, after seeing a vision, started the Ghost Dance religion which had many songs to carry on its oral tradition. Click on the tab "Ghost Dance Songs Activities" to explore activities and photos.
Woman Spirit: Tocmetone (Sarah Winnemucca) Paiute
Biography of Winnemucca, peacemaker, crusader, and champion of the Native American cause.
Idaho Mountain Express: Wovoka, Lame Deer, Rolling Thund
A great description of Wovoka's religion and the influence of the "Ghost Dance." It also describes how the "Ghost Dance" has evolved since his death.
Nevada Writers Hall of Fame: Tocmetoni Sarah Winnemucca
Contains a description on the life and works of Sarah Winnemucca, Native American author and rights activist.