Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Biology: Ecology I
A comprehensive ecology learning module where students assess the dependence of all organisms on one another and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Interdependence of Living Things
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Covers interactions between organisms.
Read Works
Read Works: All the Pieces Matter
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage shares a classroom discussion about interpendence of living things, including people, in an ecosystem. This passage discusses This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Living Organisms and Their Environment
A tutorial podcast providing an overview of the interdependence of organisms in their environment. [1:05]
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Ecology Quiz
Take this interactive, multiple-choice quiz over concepts in ecology, then review your score and any missed questions at the end.
Population Connection
United Nations Population Fund
This resource attempts to assist developing countries manage their population problems.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Old Business, New Business
For this lesson students are introduced to several businesses from the past. They see that, while the names for these businesses are different, many of the elements of that job are seen in occupations today. The web site, "Business...
Pbs: The u.s. Mexico Border a History
This site has complete information about the U.S.-Mexico border. It has an interactive timeline of important border events and a morphing map that shows changes in the border.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition
This lesson focuses on how plants and animals live together in a community or ecosystem by adapting, interdependence, and competition.
Council for Economic Education
Econedlink: Trade, Exchange and Interdependence
This video teaches the concept of Trade, Exchange and Interdependence. People do not make everything that they and their family use: that is, they do not grow all their own food, sew their own clothes, build their own house and provide...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Lean on Me We Depend on Each Other!
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate that the production of most goods can be broken down into a number of specific tasks (division of labor), with each of these tasks assigned to specific workers (specialization.)
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Dry as a Bone
This lesson examines the current state of drought in the United States and the economic impact of drought on local communities.
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids: Dung Beetle Derby
A strategy game where students build walls and ramps in the rainforest, so they can help the dung beetles roll away the balls of dung.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Food Chains Quiz
Brush up on food chain vocabulary before taking this interactive quiz. Check the box for the correct answers throughout the assessment.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: I Have No Money, Would You Take Wampum?
Through the use of folk tales, history, and the students' own experiences, students will recognize the inter-relatedness of goods, services, money. They will locate information about barter as a means of trade, use folk tales as an...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Frontier Specialists
The level of output in an economy can be increased through specialization. Economic specialization occurs when people produce different goods and services than they consume. It requires people to exchange goods and services.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Hawaiian Economics: Barter for Fish & Poi
In ancient Hawaii, chiefs managed the economy by creating a land division system, the Ahupua'a, which divided the islands into pie slice shapes. Each Ahupua'a covered the three main regions of the islands: the mountains, the valleys, and...
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science: Ms Ls2 2: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
Work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos that directly address standard MS-LS2-2: interdependent relationships in ecosystems.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Animal Environment and Adaptation
In this lesson plan, students will enjoy different activities focusing on how animals adapt to their environments. They will begin by researching two animals, their environment, and the ways the animals adapt to this environment. In...
Climate Literacy
Clean: Climate Change on the Antarctic Peninsula
In this cross-curriculum inquiry, students use a cooperative approach to investigate the effect of climate change on the ecosystem of the Antarctic Peninsula. The activity stresses the importance of evidence in the formulation of...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Wildlife Math
This integrated lesson is the result of collaboration between Chip Blanton, a wildlife management teacher, and Greg Pendergrass, a math teacher (Ft. Payne High School). Learning to manage wildlife requires an understanding of planting...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: From Weeds to Worms
The purpose of this lesson is to guide students in researching and discovering the importance of the interdependence of living and nonliving things in an ecosystem. Students utilize technology independently and cooperatively to establish...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Crowding Animals How Close Is Too Close?
In this lesson students will explore the concept of crowding as it relates to people and animals. The main purpose of this lesson is for students to recognize the possible negative consequences to people and animals as a result of crowding.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Basics of Biology Study Guide
This comprehensive study guide covers the main terms and concepts needed for a biology unit.