Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Design of a Goblet With a Variant of the Base
An image of "Design of a Goblet with a Variant of the Base", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1515 (Pen, 256 x 167 mm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The Northern Hemisphere of the Celestial Globe
An image of "The Northern Hemisphere of the Celestial Globe", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1515 (Woodcut).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The Small Triumphal Car or the Burgundian Marriage
An image of "The Small Triumphal Car or the Burgundian Marriage", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1518 (Woodcut).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The Small Triumphal Car or the Burgundian Marriage
An image of "The Small Triumphal Car or the Burgundian Marriage", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1518 (Woodcut).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Portrait of Emperor Maximilian
An image of "Portrait of Emperor Maximilian", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1518 (Woodcut).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Sebastian Brant (?)
An image of "Sebastian Brant (?)", created by Albrecht Durer, c. 1520 (Silverpoint on paper, 194 x 147 mm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Amorous Peasants
An image of "Amorous Peasants", created by Albrecht Durerz (Drawing).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Sketch of a Table Fountain
An image of "Sketch of a Table Fountain", created by Albrecht Durerz (Drawing).
Curated OER
New York Times: Archangels, Knights, and Monsters (Works of Albrecht Durer)
From the New York Times online, see a slideshow of engraving's by the sixteenth century German mannerist printmaker, Albrecht Durer, which are featured in "Art in Transition", an exhibition at the Museum of Biblical Art in Manhattan. All...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Albrecht Durer
(1471-1528) German painter, printmaker, and theorist famous for his engravings.
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Hand Study With Bible
An image of "Hand Study with Bible", created by Albrecht Durerz (Drawing, 280 x 120 mm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Six Goblets
An image of "Six Goblets", created by Albrecht Durerz (Pen, 200 x 285 mm).