Bartleby The Romantic Revival
Explore the world of British Literature from the Romantic Period. This site focuses on information on the authors of the romantic period, as well as links to their works. Check it out.
University of Maryland
University of Maryland: Romantic Circles
Extensive site dedicated to Romantic Studies. Best to use the search function. Includes modern poets reading Romantic poetry.
University of California
University of California: British Women Romantic Poets
Don't miss out on learning more about the female poets of the British Romantic Period. This University of California Davis site provides links to text and information on British women poets of the Romantic Era, many of which are unknown...
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Literary Resources: Romantic Period
Search this comprehensive site for links to the authors and the writings of the Romantic Period. Don't miss out on this amazing collection of links. As Professor Jack Lynch, who created the list, has noted, these pages are outdated and...
University of Maryland
Romantic Circles Praxis Series
Use this informative site that serves as a host of the primary anthologies available in the field of Romantic literature. This comprehensive site will help you develop more knowledge of British Romantic authors and their works.
W. W. Norton
Norton Anthology: Overview of Literary Gothicism
Do you know what type of literature "literary Gothicism" represents? Find out what types of literature throughout the ages have been touched by the Gothic influence when you visit this site.