Russia's Demographic "Crisis": How Real Is It?
An article that discusses the problems that Russia is facing due to its high alcohol consumption rate.
Akron Children's Hospital
Akron Children's Hospital: Kidshealth: Alcohol
Do you know how beer and other alcoholic drinks affect the body and mind? Find out in this article for kids.
Akron Children's Hospital
Akron Children's Hospital: Kidshealth: What Kids Say About Drinking Alcohol
What do kids think about drinking alcohol? 690 kids ages 9 to 13 were surveyed, here you can read a summary of the responses.
Web Md: Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
This lengthy article addresses several topics associated with alcohol use, such as alcohol abuse, health problems, and alcohol treatment programs. Navigate the pages of this article through the "topic contents" to the right of the text.
Web Md: Cirrhosis
This site from WebMD Health provides great information on the damage to the liver known as cirrhosis. Includes a picture and links throughout for additional information on related subjects. The information covers a good overview,...
Children Now: Talking With Kids About Tough Issues: Drugs and Alcohol
Parents are given the confidence to discuss with students difficult issues like drugs, violence, and alcohol. Topics included are talking with kids about alcohol and drugs. Discussion topics and answers to common questions are outlined.
Highway safety.org: Beginning Teenage Drivers
This site from HighwaySafety.org explores the high percentage of teenage car crashes, and pushes for "Graduated licensing," a process of phasing-in driving privileges, to lower the risk of crashes.
Yahoo! Health: Alcohol Abuse
This article from Yahoo! Health briefly defines "alcohol use" and describes the physical and mental effects alcohol has on the body. Read brief write-ups on the history of alcohol use and on underage drinking. Click on hyperlinked...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Health and Fitness: Health Quests: Stop Substance Abuse
Spread the word about the risks of tobacco and drug abuse and learn basic HTML at the same time. Use the links provided by this site to learn facts about addiction.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1890 1945: Prohibition
In 1920, the United States banned the sale and import of alcoholic beverages.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Alcohol When Enough Is Enough
This brief article provides a few major signs of alcohol abuse and states some of the common risk factors for alcohol abuse.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Organic Chemistry
This site from ScienceWorld provides a brief look at some of the more common organic functional groups. The carboxylic acid group is also given. Quite a few links are provided at the bottom of the page for additional information.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Batteries Not Included
A good online article from The Why? Files about an inventor who is perfecting a fuel cell to operate (what else?) a cell phone. Interesting, with enough technical stuff to give it some body.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Community Resource Center
And the Beat Goes On
In this article, the author talks about her adopted son, John, who has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Read about the struggles she has experienced in raising him and learn about the problems John has overcome, despite his physical and...
Wikipedia: Ester
Wikipedia entry for the chemical compound ester. Includes naming conventions, properties, reactions, and the like.
Live Wire Media
Good Character: Saying No
A collection of strategies and activities to teach students good refusal skills and skills for standing up to peer pressure when it comes to drug and alcohol use.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: "Bill's Lapse" by w.w. Jacobs
This is the text of the short story "Bill's Lapse" by W.W. Jacobs, a story about a gentle man who became mean when he drank alcohol.
Pbs: Alcohol Myths and Facts
At this website find several "Myths," about alcohol and drinking, and learn the truth about things like "Sobering up," drinking and driving, drinking and behavior, and more.
Pbs: Drinking and Driving Impaired Driving Facts
Here are a few statistics that "Will help you understand the enormous impact impaired driving has on society."
Wvu: Alcohol and Advertising (Lesson Plan)
A lesson plan through which students discover, examine, and discuss how alcohol is advertised in magazines. A simple activity to put together, "Alcohol and Advertising," only requires magazines, art supplies (construction paper, poster...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Borracheras
This article on binge drinking presents many facts about binge drinking and the consequences of it.
Class Flow: Drug Awareness
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is an introductory and informative lesson about (illegal) drug use and abuse. It is geared towards 8th grade, but can be adapted. It has symptoms of use, the effects drugs have on health, addiction...
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
National Youth Anti Drug Media Campaign: Above the Influence: Alcohol Facts
This resource presents information about the risks of abusing alcohol.
People.well.com: Web of Addictions: Fact Sheets
This resource provides links to health, addiction, and organizations that offer help.