Surrealism.org: Links to Artists of Surrealism
This website from Surrealism.org has on several Surrealists including Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Max Ernst.
Arts Net Minnesota: Introduction to Inner Worlds
A comparison of eight artists: Arthur Dove, Anthony, Green, Richard Hunt, Judy Onofrio, Betye Saar, Kay Sage, Yves Tanguy, Jane Tuckerman. Click on a specific artist to view one of their pieces, then read the information about its...
Art Cyclopedia
Artcyclopedia: Artists by Movement: Surrealism
A brief description of surrealistic art with a long list of artists associated with this art form.
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Yves Tanguy
Brief information on Surrealist artist, Yves Tanguy with enlargeable image of "Indefinite Divisibility."