Curated OER
Multiplication Bingo
While just a game to review multiplication facts, this lesson could be a useful tool in the classroom. After pupils have been introduced to the concept of multiplication, they could use this game to cement their knowledge.
Curated OER
Multiplication Boxing Game
In this multiplication boxing game, 4th graders play a dice game in small groups, writing the number rolled into the boxes, then multiplying and adding to get the highest score.
Curated OER
Pumpkin Seed Multiplication
Students practice multiplication facts. For this multiplication lesson plan, students participate in a pumpkin seed multiplication game where they match up addition sentences and multiplication facts. Game board and number sentences are...
Curated OER
Around the World With Multiplication
Young scholars play Around the World, recalling basic multiplication facts.
Curated OER
Beat the Wheel
Young scholars recall basic multiplication facts by writing answers on a wheel form, competing against other teams to finish the wheels. They review multiplication facts on a Spinning Wheels Web Lesson.
Curated OER
Professor Panda's Product Game
In this multiplication game worksheet, students take turns on the board game and select a multiplication problem to solve. Students solve the problem and find their answer box to advance on the board. Students work to reach the end of...
Curated OER
Multiplication War
Students practice multiplication by playing war. In this multiplication lesson plan, students multiply their two cards and the person that says the product first, wins those cards. The person with the most cards is the winner.
Curated OER
Race to the Top-Multiplication Game
Students practice multiplication facts with a multiplication game. In this multiplication lesson plan, students roll dice and multiply the numbers shown and color in that number. The first student to the top wins.
Scholastic: Math Maven's Mysteries: The Big Top Carnival Caper
Help the Math Maven figure out how much money it will cost to give a balloon to every tenth person riding the Ferris wheel. Includes a PDF.
Scholastic: Math Maven's Mysteries: Mystery at the Peculiar Zoo
Use this site to sharpen your multiplication and division skills and solve a zoo mystery.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: The Product Game
In the Product Game, young scholars start with factors and multiply to find the product. There are four parts to this investigation.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Arithmetic Four
You can challenge a friend to play this game to practice your arithmetic skills. Be ready because any kind of problem can pop up. You can adjust the problems to make them harder and also to give you less time.
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Follow Me "Loop" Math Games
An extensive collection of premade cards for "loop" games in math. These "I have, Who has?" cards are available for counting on and back, capacity, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, money...
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Math Trainer: Multiplication
Train your brain with a timed multiplication workout. Great tool to help you memorize your multiplication facts.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiply by Tens Word Problems
Solve word problems with multiples of ten. Decompose multiples of ten to multiply. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Ab Cya: Multiplication Mine Jr
Multiplication Mine Jr is a fun educational game for younger kids to practice their multiplication skills! Make chains of the same number by dragging across gems and answering the multiplication question at the bottom of the screen....
Ab Cya: Multiplication Mine
Race against the clock in Multiplication Mine! A fast-paced educational game for kids to practice their multiplication skills. Make chains of the same number by dragging across gems and answering the multiplication question at the bottom...
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Multiplication by 4, 5, and 6
This site explains and lists the basic multiplication facts for four, five, and six. Gives practice and games to practice this skill. CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.C.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100
Number Nut: Carrying Like Addition
Use what you already know about addition to master this skill in multiplication. This lesson reviews the concept of carrying in multiplication. Detailed examples are provided along with interactive games to practice the skills learned....
Number Nut: Multiplying More Than Two Factors
Multiplying by more than one factor can be easy when you break the numbers down. Learn this problem solving strategy and others in this short lesson that demonstrates how to multiply with several factors. This lesson includes specific...
Scholastic: Math Facts
This one page website from Scholastic offers two math facts games and a secret code idea all to help you remember your math facts.
Brainormous: Multiflyer Multiplication Game
Multiflyer allows you to play a cool space travel game while you work on learning (or reviewing) your multiplication tables. It's free to play online. There's an offer to purchase off-line play, but you can just click "No thank you" and...
Doina Popovici
Math Play: Math Magician Multiples Game
A math magician game where you match multiples to earn points!
Quia: Multiplication Madness
In this interactive website put twenty multiplication problems in order according to the increasing value of their products.