Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Religious Tolerance: Religious Aspects of the Yugoslavia Kosovo Conflict
A description from ReligiousTolerance.org of the religious component involved in the ethnic conflict in Kosovo between the Albanians and the Serbs. The description provides statistics and comments by religious organizations.
University of Georgia
University of Georgia: Islam and Islamic Studies Resources
A comprehensive collection of primary and secondary resources for analyzing Islam and Islamic studies.
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas: Religions of India
A focus on the religions of India. (Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%)
Ministry of Education and Employment of Spain
Si Spain: The Catholic Monarchs
This resource provides a description of the time of the Catholic Kings, Fernando and Isabel, 1474-1516. A brief timeline.
Si Spain: El Descubrimiento De America
This article describes the political events that preceded the Spanish to support efforts by Christopher Columbus to head west across the Atlantic.
Si Spain: Los Reyes Catolicos
This resource provides information on the description of the time of the Catholic Kings, Fernando and Isabel, 1474-1516. This is a brief timeline.
Si Spain: La Espana Musulmana
This resource provides a description of Spain during the Moorish presence in the country, 711-1492. This is good as an introduction to the topic, but does not go into great depth.
The Establishment of the Mughal Empire: Babur
This page provides a brief summary of the beginnings of the Mughal Empire.
Curated OER
American Public Media: North Carolina Muslims
A look at a Muslim congregation after the September 11 attacks. Article discusses the difficult time Muslim Americans are facing in their communities.
Curated OER
Students Visit Raleigh's Largest Mosque, the Islamic Center of Raleigh
A look at a Muslim congregation after the September 11 attacks. Article discusses the difficult time Muslim Americans are facing in their communities.
Curated OER
Cbbc Newsround Special Report: Islam
A special report, published by the BBC news division just for kids, provides a short guide on the history, beliefs, and practices of Islam. Additional features include interviews with Muslim youth in different countries and diaries of...
Curated OER
Why Is It Islam Week on Newsround?
A special report, published by the BBC news division just for kids, provides a short guide on the history, beliefs, and practices of Islam. Additional features include interviews with Muslim youth in different countries and diaries of...