The Purim Section
This page provides links to a variety of topics involving Purim. Includes the "mitzvot of Purim" and a description of why Jews wear masks on the holiday.
Union for Reform Judaism
Union for Reform Judaism: Ask Your Jewish Question
Discover answers to frequently asked questions about converting to Judaism.
Ahavat Israel: Yom Kippur :The Day of Atonement
Defines Yom Kippur. Discusses kaparot, atonement, treatment of food and clothing.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Recognition of the State of Israel: Collection
A large primary source collection from the Harry Truman Library; communications surrounding the establishment of the state of Israel.
The Jewish Atlanta Times
The Atlanta Jewish Times provides news and information about Jewish affairs with emphasis on the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Read Works
Read Works: The Holocaust
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage shares basic facts about the Holocaust. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes scaffolding...
Read Works
Read Works: The Holocaust
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage explains what the Holocaust was and its impact on people throughout the world. This passage reinforces essential reading comprehension skills. Opportunities for...
Read Works
Read Works: Judaism and Monotheistic Morality
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about Judaism as a monotheistic religion. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: A Child in Hiding
[Free Registration/Login Required] An elementary student interviews her Jewish grandfather about his experiences fleeing from Paris and hiding from the Nazis. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading...
Read Works
Read Works: Another Missing Person
[Free Registration/Login Required] Historical fiction about a boy named Ulrich living in Amsterdam in 1940 and his Jewish friends who stop coming to school. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading...
Read Works
Read Works: Judaism Hanukkah
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the Jewish holiday Hanukkah. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Judaism My Friend Rebecca
[Free Registration/Login Required] A personal essay about a middle school girl's experience having a Jewish friend. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Judaism the Three Branches of Judaism
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the three branches of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Father Frost in Jerusalem
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage is an excerpt from Pictures of Jewish Home-LifeFifty Years Ago and describes how the winter weather in Jerusalem impacts the Sabbath. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that...
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Chosen People
This Jewish Virtual Library site discusses why the Jews are the chosen people and how Jews and non-Jews feel about the status.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Mezuzah
The mezuzah can be found on the doorposts of many Jewish homes. This small case is a constant reminder of God's presence and God's commandments. Read about its other significance in this article.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: General Assembly Resolution 181
The text of the United Nations resolution to partition Palestine, making an Arab state, a Jewish state, and an international Jerusalem.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: u.s. Proposes u.n. Trusteeship of Palestine
President Truman explains the United States' position and recommendations on the issue of Palestine once the British mandate was to end.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: American Position on Partition
This site from the Jewish Virtual Library describes the evidence of America's support of plans to partition Palestine and discusses why some Americans opposed the idea.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: The Holocaust: Yellow Badges, Stars & Markings
Yellow Badges, Stars & Markings during the Holocaust are described and shown on this page and its corresponding linked pages.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Jewish Population of Israel as Percentage of World Jewish Population
The Central Bureau of Statistics presents a chart from 1882-2000 of the Jewish Population in Israel and across the world.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Deportations to Killing Centers in Occupied Poland
Map of routes to move Jews to killing centers in Poland during its German occupation. Includes short description.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: The Holocaust: Ghettos
Ghettos of the Holocaust are described on the linked pages. Photographs of many of the ghettos are included.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: The Line of June 4, 1967
Discusses the history of the demarcation lines between Israel and Syria--lines which in part caused the June War.