
The Purim Section

For Students 9th - 10th
This page provides links to a variety of topics involving Purim. Includes the "mitzvot of Purim" and a description of why Jews wear masks on the holiday.
Union for Reform Judaism

Union for Reform Judaism: Ask Your Jewish Question

For Students 9th - 10th
Discover answers to frequently asked questions about converting to Judaism.

Ahavat Israel: Yom Kippur :The Day of Atonement

For Students 9th - 10th
Defines Yom Kippur. Discusses kaparot, atonement, treatment of food and clothing.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum

Recognition of the State of Israel: Collection

For Students 9th - 10th
A large primary source collection from the Harry Truman Library; communications surrounding the establishment of the state of Israel.

The Jewish Atlanta Times

For Students 9th - 10th
The Atlanta Jewish Times provides news and information about Jewish affairs with emphasis on the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Read Works

Read Works: The Holocaust

For Teachers 4th - 6th
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage shares basic facts about the Holocaust. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes scaffolding...
Read Works

Read Works: The Holocaust

For Teachers 5th
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage explains what the Holocaust was and its impact on people throughout the world. This passage reinforces essential reading comprehension skills. Opportunities for...
Read Works

Read Works: Judaism and Monotheistic Morality

For Students 7th
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about Judaism as a monotheistic religion. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works

Read Works: A Child in Hiding

For Students 6th
[Free Registration/Login Required] An elementary student interviews her Jewish grandfather about his experiences fleeing from Paris and hiding from the Nazis. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading...
Read Works

Read Works: Another Missing Person

For Students 6th
[Free Registration/Login Required] Historical fiction about a boy named Ulrich living in Amsterdam in 1940 and his Jewish friends who stop coming to school. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading...
Read Works

Read Works: Judaism Hanukkah

For Teachers 5th
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the Jewish holiday Hanukkah. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works

Read Works: Judaism My Friend Rebecca

For Teachers 5th
[Free Registration/Login Required] A personal essay about a middle school girl's experience having a Jewish friend. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works

Read Works: Judaism the Three Branches of Judaism

For Teachers 5th
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the three branches of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works

Read Works: Father Frost in Jerusalem

For Teachers 5th - 7th
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage is an excerpt from Pictures of Jewish Home-LifeFifty Years Ago and describes how the winter weather in Jerusalem impacts the Sabbath. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that...
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: Chosen People

For Students 9th - 10th
This Jewish Virtual Library site discusses why the Jews are the chosen people and how Jews and non-Jews feel about the status.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: Mezuzah

For Students 9th - 10th
The mezuzah can be found on the doorposts of many Jewish homes. This small case is a constant reminder of God's presence and God's commandments. Read about its other significance in this article.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: General Assembly Resolution 181

For Students 9th - 10th
The text of the United Nations resolution to partition Palestine, making an Arab state, a Jewish state, and an international Jerusalem.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: u.s. Proposes u.n. Trusteeship of Palestine

For Students 9th - 10th
President Truman explains the United States' position and recommendations on the issue of Palestine once the British mandate was to end.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: American Position on Partition

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Jewish Virtual Library describes the evidence of America's support of plans to partition Palestine and discusses why some Americans opposed the idea.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: The Holocaust: Yellow Badges, Stars & Markings

For Students 9th - 10th
Yellow Badges, Stars & Markings during the Holocaust are described and shown on this page and its corresponding linked pages.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: Jewish Population of Israel as Percentage of World Jewish Population

For Students 9th - 10th
The Central Bureau of Statistics presents a chart from 1882-2000 of the Jewish Population in Israel and across the world.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: Deportations to Killing Centers in Occupied Poland

For Students 9th - 10th
Map of routes to move Jews to killing centers in Poland during its German occupation. Includes short description.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: The Holocaust: Ghettos

For Students 9th - 10th
Ghettos of the Holocaust are described on the linked pages. Photographs of many of the ghettos are included.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

Jewish Virtual Library: The Line of June 4, 1967

For Students 9th - 10th
Discusses the history of the demarcation lines between Israel and Syria--lines which in part caused the June War.