American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Glossary of Jewish Terms
Basic definition of abelut. Reference to shiva as well. A large glossary of definitions for the Jewish Student.
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Jewish Virtual Library: Edna Ferber
This brief biography of Ferber accents her ethnic and religious heritage, as well as giving information about her life and career.
Ministry of Education and Employment of Spain
Si Spain: The Catholic Monarchs
This resource provides a description of the time of the Catholic Kings, Fernando and Isabel, 1474-1516. A brief timeline.
Si Spain: El Descubrimiento De America
This article describes the political events that preceded the Spanish to support efforts by Christopher Columbus to head west across the Atlantic.
Si Spain: Los Reyes Catolicos
This resource provides information on the description of the time of the Catholic Kings, Fernando and Isabel, 1474-1516. This is a brief timeline.
Si Spain: La Espana Musulmana
This resource provides a description of Spain during the Moorish presence in the country, 711-1492. This is good as an introduction to the topic, but does not go into great depth.
Intro to Jewish Science Fiction
Small but interesting site that focuses on Jewish science fiction, a small genre but one that exists. Lists various authors and books from this genre.
Curated OER
Jewish Immigrant. Vol. 2, No. 1. (January 1909)
Online exhibit features more than two hundred treasures of American Judaica from the Library of Congress and other cultural institutions.