Thomson Reuters
Find Law: Article Iv: National Supremacy
This resource provides a review of Clause 2, Article VI, "Supremacy of the Constitution, Laws and Treaties."
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: Article Iv: Development of the Modern Rule
This resource provides information about Article IV of the United States Constitution.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Constitution: Seventeenth Amendment: Popular Election of Senators
This resource provides the 17th Amendment, which called for the direct election of Senators. The text is followed by a discussion of the Amendment.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Constitution: Nineteenth Amendment
This resource provides the 19th Amendment and a short history of the women's suffrage movement state by state.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Constitution: Twenty Fourth Amendment
This resource provides the text of the amendment, and annotations about its application, including footnotes citing cases in U.S. history pertaining to the topic.