European Space Agency
European Space Agency: Cassini Huygens
This is the home page of the Huygens probe, which will be launched into Saturn's moon Titan's atmosphere.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Cassini Uvis Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph
This is the home page of the team that built the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph carried by the Cassini mission to Saturn.
Saturn Today: Your Daily Source of Saturn News
This resource archives and posts the most recent Cassini images of Saturn and its moons. Other missions and information on these objects are also posted here.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Cassini
On its way to Saturn, the Cassini probe passed by Jupiter to pick up a gravity assisted speed boost. This resoure gained more information as it passed by Jupiter on December 30, 2000 and traveled another four years outward to Saturn.