Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden
This site provides information on the Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden located in Blacksburg. If you click on the link "Photographs" you will see how two different gardens were constructed. Click on "What's Blooming" and get a beautiful...
University of Florida
Fmnh: University of Florida Herbarium
This excellent site contains information on the University of Florida Herbarium located in Gainsville, Florida. The Herbarium offers five different collections of plants as well as an electronic library of plants.
Kumamoto University: Medicinal Plant Garden
This site provides information on the Medicinal Plant Garden located in Japan. The web page presents a list of all the plants the garden contains, and their pictures.
Mangolia Plantation and Its Gardens
This site contains information on the Mangolia Plantation and It's Gardens located in Charleston, South Carolina. You can click on the link "The Gardens", and a new page will come up with pictures of the garden and with a description of...
Brooklyn Botanical Garden
This site contains information on the Brooklyn Botanical Garden located in New York. If you click on the link "Visiting," and then on the link "Explore the Garden," you can view any area of the garden. The pictures on the tour are...
Botanical Garden at Gottingen
This site provides information on the Botanical Garden at Gottingen University located in Germany. If you click on the sub-heading "Subjects and History",an English text will come up presenting further details on the garden.
Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden
This site provides information on the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. If you click on the link "virtual tour", a new page will appear with a map of the garden, and details about the contents in the garden.
The Dillon Garden: Homepage
This site presents information on The Dillon Garden located in Dublin, Ireland. "The Garden" link explains the layout of the entire garden, and the "Photo Gallery" link gives you pictures of the garden to view.