Viewing the Violent Universe: What Are Gamma Rays?
The universe produces a broad range of light, only a fraction of which is visible to our eyes. Gamma rays are nonvisible light, which also includes x-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared radiation, and radio waves.
University of California
Center for Science Education: Gallery
A gallery of astronomy images which depict galaxies, comets, the moon, planets, nebulae, supernovae as seen in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each image in the gallery is described. Fascinating!
California Institute of Technology
Cal Tech: Two Micron All Sky Survey
Learn about the Two Micron All Sky Survey project, in which telescopes and observatories scan the sky for infrared radiation in order to learn more about the Milky Way galaxy. The infrared spectrum is described and its importance to...
Curated OER
Visit the Eso Paranal Observatory
Site serves as the homepage of the European Southern Observatory. While written more with the professional astronomer in mind, you should be able to find information that you can use in terms of what telescopes they have and recent...
Curated OER
Visit the Eso La Silla Observatory
Site serves as the homepage of the European Southern Observatory. While written more with the professional astronomer in mind, you should be able to find information that you can use in terms of what telescopes they have and recent...
Curated OER
Science Kids: Science Images: Observatory
A photo taken on a fine day showing a number of telescope domes at an observatory.