Bowdoin: Spanish Grammar Terms
Excellent reference for Spanish language students. Defines and provides examples of many common grammatical terms.
Bowdoin: Transitional Phrases in Spanish
This guide will help students to become skilled in using transitional phrases in Spanish.
Quia: Adjetivos
An educational and fun way to learn and review adjectives. Match the adjective in Spanish with the adjective in English until all the adjectives have been matched. You can select a different set of words by pressing the new game button.
Quia: Adjetivos Flashcards
Improve your memory of Spanish vocabulary words by playing the flashcard game. On one side of the card is an adjective in Spanish and when you click the card it turns over and displays the adjective in English. Review the words the first...
Quia: Adjetivos Concentration
In this online game of concentration you must test your knowledge of a variety of adjectives in Spanish as well as your ability to remember where you last saw the card. You must match the Spanish adjective with the correct English...
Quia: Adjetivos Spanish Adjective Games
Practice basic Spanish adjectives using a matching game, flashcards, concentration, and word-search exercises.