Mr maffesoli.com: Line Plot Worksheet I [Pdf]
Fifth graders will answer word problems from information on a line plot.
Mr maffesoli.com: Line Plot Review [Pdf]
Fifth graders will follow the guidelines to create a line plot from the given information.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Math: Data Analysis: Pictograph
Watch short video clips that show step by step how to organize data and create a pictograph. Then check for understanding by testing yourself.
Palomar Community College District
Palomar College: Frequency Polygon an Example
A step-by-step worked problem demonstrating how to take a set of data and produce a frequency polygon. Hints are provided along the way and the final graph is shown for the user to check.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Charting More Success
This activity follows on from Charting Success and encourages students to consider and analyse representations of data from the world of sport, to make sense of the stories they tell, and to analyse whether the right representation has...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Charting Success
Sports statisticians, trainers and competitors create graphs, charts and diagrams to help them to analyse performance, inform training programmes or improve motivation. This activity encourages students to consider and analyse...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Our Sports
What events are there in your school sports day, and in the Olympic Games? What are your favourite races and sports? This activity encourages discussion and decisions about how to collect and display data, and is designed to be...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Line Graphs Grade 7
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Make a line graph to display data over time.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Line Graphs to Display Data Over Time
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Create line graphs to display how data changes over time.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Cumulative Tables and Graphs
Explains, with examples, how values can "accumulate" in tables and graphs. Includes ten practice questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Creating Frequency Tables
Practice creating frequency tables from small data sets. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Utah Education Network
Uen: 1st Grade Act. 03: T Shirt Glyph
During this mini-unit, students will develop a t-shirt with a glyph that represents their own personalities. Then students will read the glyphs of others using a legend to understand the data on the glyphs.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Box and Whisker Plots
Explore how to display data using a box and whisker plot.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Multiple Line Graphs
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Make multiple line graphs to display and compare given data.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Displaying Data
Get independent practice displaying data. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Practice With Organizing and Interpreting Data
Several problems are presented to test your skills in creating and interpreting frequency tables, pie charts, box-and-whisker and stem-and-leaf plots.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Match the Matches
Decide which charts and graphs represent the number of goals two football teams scored in fifteen matches. This data handling activity is designed to get children talking meaningfully about mathematics, presenting and justifying...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How to Spot a Misleading Graph
There are plenty of ways graphs can mislead and outright manipulate. Lea Gaslowitz shares some things to look out for.
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School: The Scientific Method (Part 3) [Pdf]
Explains how to collect and organize data for an experiment. Describes how to make a table and graph the data, and when to use different types of graphs. Next, it discusses which variable should be on the x- or y-axis of a graph, and how...
US Department of Education
Nces Kids: Create an Xy Graph
This is where you can find a step by step explanation of how to create an XY graph. When you finish each step just click the next tab and you will find the next set of instructions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Analyzing Data
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students will learn how to choose a type of data visualization based on the kind of data they have collected and the objective of their research.
Pre K Pages: Question of the Day Graphing Activities for Preschool, Pre K, and K
A question of the day is a graphing activity that can be used to teach young children in preschool or kindergarten how to collect and organize data in a graphic representation as well as teach them how to analyze the data. This site...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Get on Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
In collaborative/cooperative groups, students will review basic vocabulary and concepts for data and statistics. Students will create, collect, display, and interpret data in the form of frequency tables, bar graphs and circle graphs.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: How Long Will It Take?
For this lesson, middle schoolers will participate in a group activity using a sponge ball and a growing human circle. The students will be added to a circle in groups of two and will pass the sponge ball from hand to hand until it...