Webfoot: A Beginner's Guide to Effective E Mail
An article about effective E-mail use. Includes links to an introduction, what makes E-mail different, context, format, and acronyms and jargon.
Sharpening Your Writing Skills
This handbook provides step-by-step modules to help you develop an appropriate business writing style. It also gives you rules for punctuation and "plain English." Answers are provided for exercises. PDF document.
A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email: Intonation
A good site as a resource for changing tone and voice in the written medium of email. Discusses asterisks, capital letters, punctuation, whitespace, and lower-case letters.
A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email: Acronyms & Jargon
An interesting and fairly detailed list of many of the acronyms that are used in email. Also discusses some unique internet/email "jargon," such as "spam."
Tonya Skinner: Web Page Evaluation Rubric
This is a good example of an evaluation rubric for a student created web page. Categories include content, page layout, graphics, navigation, design, information, and advanced features.
Webfoot.com: A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email Page Layout
This website focuses on page layout and more specifically the length of paragraphs and lines as found in emails.