Bbc Religion and Ethics Homepage: Hinduism
The British Broadcasting Corporation provides an incredibly detailed description and outline of Hinduism. Content includes a look at the religion's history, as well as its beliefs, customs, holy days, and forms of worship.
Uri Kids: Hinduism: Basic Beliefs
Scroll your mouse over the page to find out what the pictures symbolize. Click Celebrations, Sacred Spaces, Basic Beliefs, and/or Resources to learn about the Hindu religion.
Teaching About Religion: Hindu Worldview
A brief survey/examination of the major Hindu beliefs and tenets. It is divided into categories such as "Nature & Deity", "Conception of Time" and more.
Interfaith Dialog Center: Hinduism
A good introduction to Hinduism, which provides a brief look at the religion's ancient beginnings, its sacred texts, beliefs and practices, sects, and holy days. Includes a simple explanation of how the monotheistic principle of Hinduism...