Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University: The Armistice Demands

For Students 9th - 10th
The Brigham Young University provides information on the terms set by the WWI allied powers for the Armistice. Official release by the German Government, published in the Kreuz-Zeitung, November 11, 1918.

Lebendiges Museum Online: 1918 Chronik

For Students 9th - 10th
This site, which is provided for by the Lebendiges Museum Online, gives a chronicle of events in the year 1918. The site is written in German.

Le Mo: Waffenstillstandsbedingungen Alliierten Compiegne

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Lebendiges Museum Online provides the terms of the Armistice agreement of 1918. The site is entirely in German.