Sweatt v. Painter Archive
This site has just about everything one might want to know in an investigation of the important Supreme Court decision in Sweatt vs. Painter.
Law for Kids: Toons
Join animated characters like Marco and Kirk, teenagers in difficult circumstances and facing legal issues, and find out what consequences they must deal with. Students can learn to avoid the same mistakes. Teens' questions about the law...
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Natural Law
Review this site for the definition of "natural law" based on varying theories with respect to morality in determining the authority of legal norms. Contents of the writing cover Two Kinds of Natural Law, Conceptual Naturalism,...
American Bar Association
American Bar Association
This resource is the official homepage of the American Bar Association (ABA).
Basic facts and travel information about Scotland. Information is available about business, community, travel, culture, news, sports, and shopping.
US Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
The Committee on the Judiciary has been called the lawyer for the House of Representatives because of its jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in Federal courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement...
Litigator's Internet Resource Guide: The Rules of Court
A database of the rules, forms, and dockets for both the state and federal court systems.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: "The Defense" by Apuleius
An English translation of Apuleius' Latin text of a legal defense.
Class Flow: Introduction to Laws
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is based on an introductory lesson to laws. It was originally intended for high school Business Law, but can be used as a simple overview of laws in general.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Law School: Legal Information on Divorce
This page provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the legal types of divorce; also provides links to state statutes & recent federal decisions.