First Measured Century: The Children's Bureau
Read this informative essay to learn about early 1900's child welfare and what social reformers, including Julia Lathrop, did on behalf of children.
Nova: Roman Baths
Great site from PBS on the Roman baths. Includes a very interesting section on what a day at the baths would include through an interactive map. Also has a game in which you construct a bath.
Pbs: Jane Addams and Hull House
An interesting interview with Robyn Muncy, a Professor of History, about Addams and the philosophy of the women who started the Hull House.
Pbs the West: The Pacific Railway Act: July 1, 1862
The critically acclaimed PBS series, "The West," provides the text of the actual Pacific Railway Act, designed to aid in the construction of a Railroad and Telegraph Line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.
Pbs Nova: Secrets of Lost Empires
NOVA ferrets out long-forgotten secrets of architects and engineers of the early civilizations. Content focuses on the trebuchets of medieval Europe, the pharaoh's obelisks of ancient Egypt, the moai statues of Easter Island, the...
New Perspectives on the West: The Letters and Journals of Narcissa Whitman
A few pages from the journal of Narcissa Whitman who was a missionary in the Oregon Country. She was later murdered along with her husband at the Whitman massacre.
Pbs: The Roman Empire in the First Century
This PBS series companion for The Roman Empire: Ancient Voices, The Social Order, and Life in Roman Times features a text and visual narrative about life in first century Rome.
Pbs: Tesla, Master of Lighting
Inventor Nikola Tesla is the subject of this extensive PBS site. In addition to information on Tesla's life and work, the site offers insight into the ways in which society and invention affect each other.
Nova: To the Moon
This companion website of a NOVA program that aired in 1999 features extensive information that focuses on moon research and includes a history of the Apollo missions as well as the science of the moon's origins.
Themistocles, Greek General
Wonderful biography of Themistocles, the great Athenian general and politician who established the Greek navy.
Pbs: Claudius
This site contains an interesting account of the life of Claudius. Includes quotes from ancient and modern historians, as well as a scathing description of his second wife, Agrippina.
Pbs Nova: The Vikings
This site, a companion to the NOVA program on PBS, examines the Vikings and whether or not their reputation as "barbarians" is founded. Content includes a look at a Viking Village, the Norse people, Viking ships, the Viking alphabet, and...
Pbs: Flood
Flooding from rivers makes for rich soil, but it makes for difficult living conditions. This Nova site explores the advantages and disadvantages to living on the rivers of the world.
Pbs: The Vikings Explore a Viking Village
This PBS website has information and video clips of a reconstructed Viking Village that you can tour online.
Pbs: Transistorized!
This site provides a tour of the discovery and development of the transistor form PBS, including video and lesson plans.
Pbs: Lawrence of Arabia
Excellent site to begin the study of Thomas Edward Lawrence, better known as Lawrence of Arabia. Find biographies on Lawrence, Prince Faisal, Winston Churchill and other key players. Information on the Arab Revolt including battle...
Pbs: Duke Ellington's Washington
This site explores the life of Duke Ellington, as well as the strong African-American community that flourished in Washington, D.C., during the time that Ellington lived there (1899-1923).
Pbs the West: Cities of Gold
This PBS site recounts the efforts of Spanish explorers to find the fabled gold of the New World.
Pbs: Egypt's Golden Empire
PBS provides a fascinating glimpse of Egypt's New Kingdom, arising "more than one thousand years after the pyramids were built." Concentrating on the lives of seven pharaohs (one of them a woman), the site includes a timeline, lesson...
Pbs the West: The Nez Perce and the Dawes Act
This companion article from the PBS series, "New Perspectives on the West," offers a lesson plan which approaches the Dawes Act from the perspective of the Nez Perce.
Pbs Nova, Lost King of the Maya
A site focused on the dynasty of the Mayan empire. Includes some great audio and video clips.
Pbs: Building Big: Bridges
A collection of resources about bridges that includes basic facts about bridges, challenges faced by bridge builders, famous bridges from around the world, and a lab that helps you understand how different forces affect bridge...
Pbs: Building Big: Skyscrapers
Information about the basics of skyscrapers, with profiles of nine big-building wonders. Extras include a loads lab, which illustrates how and why skyscrapers stand up and keep standing up, and interviews with builders, engineers, and...
Pbs: The Life of Birds
Online companion to the PBS program "The Life of Birds." In-depth look at certain behaviors of birds, the evolution of birds, birds as parents, and bird songs.