Pbs News Hour: Afghanistan: Country in Conflict
A transcript of the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour program, Nov. 17, 1983, about Afghanistan. Two experts discuss the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the American reaction to heightened tensions in that region.
Pbs News Hour: The 1998 Federal Budget
Transcript of PBS )nterview (from "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer") with OMB Director, Franklin Raines, discussing the rationale behind the 1998 Federal budget proposed by the Clinton Administration.
Pbs News Hour: The Market Shaker
PBS NewsHour's Jim Lehrer discusses the power of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and his influence upon the world market with other financial experts. Includes links on the right to other Greenspan-related NewsHours.
Pbs News Hour: Senate Reacts to Gas Prices
In the wake of rising gas prices and oil company profits, the Senate reacts with proposals to help consumers. There is also a discussion between experts about gas prices, profits, solutions, etc. Transcripts, audio and video of reports...
Pbs Online News Hour: Domino Sugar Plant Reopens
Interesting look into the Domino Sugar plant and what they have done to help their employees recover from Hurricane Katrina. In particular, the depiction of the trailer park they constructing was very enlightening. Audio, video, and a...
Pbs News Hour: The Final Presidential Debate Dole vs. Clinton
A full transcript of the historical debate including an audio version and links into other viewpoints and opinions about the debate.
Pbs Online News Hour: Dole vs. Clinton Presidential Debate
1996 transcript of presidential debate between Clinton and Dole. Scripts cover approximately 17 different areas including closing statements.
Pbs News Hour: Conversation With Stanley Kunitz
An interview by Elizabeth Farnsworth with Stanley Kunitz, shortly after he was named poet laureate of the United States. In the course of the interview, Kunitz reads some of his poetry, and talks about what inspires his poetry.
Pbs News Hour: Slobodan Milosevic
A PBS interview recounts the rise of Milosevic as a post-modern dictator and his part in the conflict in Kosovo. 9/23/98
Pbs News Hour: An Interview With Mexico President Zedillo In
A full transcript of a interview with Mexico President Ernesto Zedillo in 1997.
Pbs News Hour: In Memory of James Dickey
Read the transcript of an interview which took place the day after James Dickey's death on PBS.
Pbs News Hour: Nixon Tapes
Transcript of Margaret Warner's interview with Stanley Kutler on his book, Abuse of Power, detailing the sections of the Nixon tapes which show the President's misuse of constitutional power, resulting in his impeachment. Insights into...
Pbs Online News Hour: Convention History
Online NewsHour discussion of the role and impact of great speeches at the national conventions. Some discussion of platform conflicts as well.
Pbs Online News Hour: Debating Our Destiny: Geraldine Ferraro
An interview with Ms. Ferraro, first female vice-presidential candidate, regarding the 1984 debate against republican candidate George Bush.
Pbs: Energy and the Environment
This site is devoted to the environmental record of the George W. Bush Administration. It examines everything from nuclear energy and waste to better fuel efficiency in SUVs.
Pbs News Hour: Highlights of Supreme Court Nominees
From NewsHour's report of the nomination of John Roberts, a historic look at past and noteworthy U.S. Supreme Court nominees.
Online Newshour:domestic Security
Features an ongoing collection of articles and resources providing current and past news on domestic security and the war on terrorism. Gives facts on our domestic surveillance programs, the National Security Agency, the USA Patriot Act...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Genomes Offer Murkey Clues to Personality
This article covers the new ways science has discovered to read genomes and decipher particular traits in humans. Classroom worksheet with discussion questions available. January 29, 2009
Pbs News Hour: New Studies of Adolescent Brains Challenge Assumptions
The traditional thought has been that the adolescent brain was similar to the adult brain. However, new studies show that the teen brain is fundamentally different than older brains. Learn the details behind the new findings .. how the...
Pbs News Hour: u.s. And Russia Agree to Historic Nuclear Arms Treaty
The United States and Russia reached a historic arms agreement that will reduce the number of nuclear weapons in each country to the lowest number in 50 years. Read the behind the scenes details of how this positive action came about,...
Pbs Online News Hour: Flu Vaccine Shortage
The resource investigates the flu vaccine shortage during the 2004-2005 flu season. Articles on the demand and concerns of health officials regarding the shortage are included.
Pbs Online News Hour: Vote 2004: Candidates
Outstanding web page that has biographical information on the candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States in the 2004 election.
Pbs Online News Hour: Vote 2004: Candidates: John Kerry
Interactive web page discussing the life of Senator John Kerry. On this page, there are links to other parts of this biography.
Pbs Online News Hour: Vote 2004: Candidates: Ralph Nader
Interactive biographical web page of Ralph Nader's life. On this page there are links to other parts of this biographical page created by NewsHour.