Pbs Frontline: Waco
PBS Frontline's site for the Waco story: transcripts of audio and video tapes, pictures, who's who, chronology of the siege, and more.
American Experience: Buffalo Bill
This 1-hour documentary presents a portrait of William Cody, also known as Buffalo Bill. A western frontier legend in the 1880s, his Wild West Show travelled the globe making the American West into the American story.
Pbs: Discovering Dominga
Students will explore and discuss modern acts of genocide, including the factors leading to genocide, by following the story of Dominga, a Maya who was just nine years old when her family was massacred in Guatemala.
Pbs Nova: Tour the Tongue
This audio interactive helps us learn how our sense of taste works, what happens in our brain as we eat, and why we have the ability to detect flavors like bitter and sweet. Discover why we only have five basic taste sensations: sweet,...
Nova: Tech & Engineering: Medieval Stained Glass Science
In this historical interactive, see beautiful examples of stained glass artistry, and learn how the craftsmen of the Middle Ages used chemistry to create them.
Pbs Nova: Sleep
These materials supplement a video and teaching activities by providing additional background on the science of sleep.
Pbs Nova: Man of Ideas
An ant specialist? Yes! Meet naturalist E.O. Wilson who specialized in the study of ants and who presented some controversial ideas. Learn more by watching the included video, and by visiting the main site.
Nova: Disease Detective
How would you do as an epidmeiologist? Find out in this interactive simulation. Your mission will be to interview people and trace the transmission of a mysterious disease.
Pbs: Nova: Disease Detective
As the local epidemiologist, it is your job to investigate a mysterious disease outbreak. Several people in a camping area have become sick with an unknown serious illness. Trace the outbreak to its source using the basic methods of...
Pbs: Mystery of Great Zimbabwe
Describes the racist views of European imperialists when they encountered the ruins of Greater Zimbabwe. Also describes the archaeological history of the ruins and explores the question: who built them?
Pbs: Anatomy of Katrina
Delve deep into the anatomy of Hurricane Katrina through this interactive produced by PBS. The interactive contains slides, videos and charts that begin with the birth of Katrina. Follow her path as she gains strength and finally falls...
Pbs Teachers: Why the Towers Fell: The Structure of Metal
Examine what it is that gives metal its special characteristics and how metal behaves under the stress of heat and outside forces. An engaging interactive feature is offered to here to illustrate this concept.
Pbs Teachers, Nova: Little People of Flores: Compare the Brains
Compare and contrast the shape and size of a Homo floresiensis brain with the brain of a chimp and a modern human.
Nova: Cancer Warrior
Animations of the different phases of cancer, make this a great resource for understanding the development of this disease.
Pbs Teachers: Cancer Warrior: How Cancer Grows
Follow the progression of a malignant tumor, beginning with the first mutation within a cell and ending with metastasis, the colonization of related tumors throughout the body.
Pbs Nova Teachers: Dying to Be Thin: Body Needs
Find out what the human body needs to function at its best, and why.
Pbs Nova: Relativity and the Cosmos
This well-written explanation of relativity includes animations and pictures which may be helpful in understanding a tough topic.
Pbs Nova: A Conversation With Neil De Grasse Tyson
Nova offers an enlightening conversation with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Topics include origins of the universe, multidisciplinary approaches to science, exciting recent discoveries, his position as director of the Hayden...
Pbs: Dimming the Sun
This interactive resource provides evidence that human air pollution is limiting the amount of sunlight that is reaching the earth's surface.
Pbs: The Vikings Secrets of Norse Ships
This PBS website describes and explains how the Vikings built and designed their ships so that they could sail long distances.
Nova: How New Orleans Flooded
View some before and after pictures of New Orleans to get an idea of the flood damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Pbs Nova: Vanishing Into Thin Air
Glaciers are shrinking at an alarming rate. Witness the dramatic melting of Peru's Qori Kalis glacier. Investigate some of the benefits of glaciers as well as the negative effects that will result when the glaciers are gone.
Nova: Stories in Amber
Like a time machine, amber fossils take us back in the earth's history to discover the plants, animals and ecological relationships of prehistoric ecosystems. This resource has several interesting pictures of a variety of Dominican...
Nova: Making Vaccines
Explore the production of six different types of vaccines. This activity is interactive, allowing you to take part in the production of the different vaccines.