The Math League
The Math League: Percent & Probability
This tutorial gives definitions and examples of percents and probability and covers percent as a fraction and percent as a decimal.
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Math Page: Skill in Arithmetic: Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of 10: The Meaning of Percent
This excellent math resource explains and defines the meaning of percent. Multiplying and dividing by a power of 10 is incorporated as a preview to understanding scientific notation.
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Math Page: Skill in Arithmetic: Percent With a Calculator
This tutorial explains how to use a calculator to find a percent. There is also a practice section at the end of the lesson.
Help Algebra
Help Percents
Converting percents to and from decimals and fractions is demonstrated in detailed examples. Once the concept is understood, you can use it to solve equations that contain percents.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Converting a Percent to a Decimal
Learners practice percent conversions to decimals. The resource displays the percent score of correct answers, as well as running totals of correct and incorrect answers.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Converting a Percent to a Fraction
Learners practice percent conversions to fractions. The resource displays the percent score of correct answers, as well as running totals of correct and incorrect answers.
Can Teach
Can Teach: t.v. Math
At this site students will practice collecting data and transferring the data into percentages. Lesson plan indicated for 6th grade.