Historia Del Idioma Espanol
An informative study, in Spanish, of the history of the Spanish language, its origins, its evolution, and its history in America. There is also an article about the Argentine adaptations of the language, and another link that covers the...
Educorock: English, French, and Spanish Educational Music
These resources are available for purchase and may be of interest if you are wanting to learn to use popular styles of music as effective teaching and motivational tools. Music CDs help students to memorize basic grammar principles by...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: El Mundo
This is an online resource in Spanish to the countries of the world, detailed maps of these countries from Mapquest, their flags, and statistical data. Statistical data includes literacy rates, industry, agriculture and natural...
Class Flow: Cultura Fiestas
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart discusses Spain and its culture.