Common Lit: Thomas Jefferson on Shays' Rebellion
A learning module that begins with "Thomas Jefferson on Shays' Rebellion" by Thomas Jefferson, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online...
Common Lit:letter From Frederick Douglass to Harriet Tubman by Frederick Douglass
A learning module that begins with "Letter from Frederick Douglass to Harriet Tubman" by Frederick Douglass, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or...
Common Lit: Letter to the Treasure of Spain
A learning module that begins with "Letter to the Treasure of Spain" by Christopher Columbus, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online...
International Reading Association
Lesson Plan: Making and Writing Words
A detailed and thorough lesson/unit plan designed to lead students into a greater understanding of word building through intense study and activities. Students learn spelling structure, word recognition, and phonics. Great resource!
Common Lit: Manifest Destiny, I Do Believe
A learning module that begins with "Manifest Destiny, I Do Believe" by BirdBrain History, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online...
Common Lit: George W. Harkins to the American People
A learning module that begins with "George W. Harkins to the American People" by George W. Harkin, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned...
Common Lit: Letter From Mary Mallon: On Being "Typhoid Mary"
A learning module that begins with "Letter From Mary Mallon: On Being 'Typhoid Mary'" by Mary Mallon, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned...
Common Lit: "Manifest Destiny, I Do Believe" by Bird Brain History
In this letter, Cordelia writes to her friend about her plans to become a pioneer, a common ambition during the "Manifest Destiny" era of western settlement in the 19th century. This site offers links to paired texts, questions and...
Starfall: Grandparents Day
Select the correct words to help write a letter for Grandparents Day.
Starfall: Letters of the Alphabet
This site features activities for the letters of the alphabet. Students have an opportunity to click on a letter and hear a story about that letter.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: I Need a Pet
This is a fun lesson to allow students to try to convince their parents to buy them a pet of their choice in an opinion letter.
Read Write Think: Exploring Literature Through Letter Writing Groups
This lesson plan enables learners to participate in a letter exchange designed to promote discussion on literature-based topics. Included in the lesson plan is an overview, practice, objectives, resources, preparation, and more.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Formal Letter for Author Study
This Daily Teaching Tools lesson explains how to write a business letter to an author. It also provides a rubric.
Letter Writing Guide
How to Write a Business Letter
This student-friendly site contains the purpose of business letter writing. In addition, the article discusses the elements of good business letter writing.
Letter Writing Guide
How to Write a Letter
This student and teacher-friendly site contains the purpose of letter writing. In addition, the article discusses the elements of good letter writing.
Letter Writing Guide
Sample Invitation Letter (Business)
This informational site provides a well-written invitation exemplar.
Letter Writing Guide
Sample Farewell Letter
This informational site provides a well-written farewell letter exemplar.
Letter Writing Guide
How to Write a Reference Letter
This student and teacher-friendly site explains the following: what a reference letter is; how to self-assess whether one should write the letter of reference; when to write a letter of reference; and what to say in a letter of reference.
TES Global
Blendspace: Letter Ll
An eleven-part learning module with links texts, images, a video, and a quiz about the letter "L."
TES Global
Tes: Letters: Formal & Informal
[Free Registration/Login Required] This resource provides explanations for different modes of writing. Examples of informal and formats are provided.
Class Flow: Parts of a Friendly Letter
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart teaches the five parts of the friendly letter and the correct punctuation of each part.
Class Flow: Writing a Letter
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explores the parts of a letter and revising.
Class Flow: Business Letter Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains the basic parts of a business letter.
Class Flow: Joyful Jj
[Free Registration/Login Required] Kindergarten letter Jj introduction. Students recognize the letter, its sound, and words beginning with the /j/ sound.