St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: A E and E E Lesson
In this beginning reading module, the instructor models how to pronounce words that incorporate "a_e" and "e_e" in them. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can choose to sound out words,...
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Lessons 68 73 Review
In this beginning reading module, the instructor reviews how to pronounce words that incorporate"a_e", "e_e", "ing", and other patterns. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can choose to...
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Er, Le Lesson
In this beginning reading module, the instructor models how to pronounce words that incorporate "er" and "le" in them. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can choose to sound out words,...
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: The, Se, Etc. Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate "the", "se" and other word families. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: the, se, etc." lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Silent B, K, T, W Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate "b", "k", "t", or "w" in them. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: b, k, t, w" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Wor, Wa, Ou Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words with the letters "wor", "wa", and "ou" are included on the assessment. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: wor, wa, and, ou" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Si, Su, Ci, Ti, Tu Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate "si", "su", "ci", "ti", or "tu" in them. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: si, su, ci, ti, tu" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Lessons 84 88 Review
In this beginning reading module, the instructor reviews words that incorporate "ie", "ui", "u", "3 syllables", "4 syllables", and more. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can choose to...
Pbs Kids: Super Why: Princess Presto Spectacular Sounds Bingo
In this bingo game, listen for the sounds of the letters and click on the correct letter; when you have completed all the letters, a picture is revealed.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Building a Sentence Activity
An activity teaching the short vowel sounds and how they are used in a sentence. The students put together sentences that are cut apart and then identify the sounds of the targeted vowel.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Beginning Sound Spin Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
Builds students' abilities to identify the sound of a letter and say if a word begins with that sound. The student spins a wheel and says what letter/sound it stops on. Then they find a picture that begins with that sound. This site...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Catch a Sound: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A quick alphabet game for the whole class. Students stand in a circle and throw a beanbag to each other. When they catch it, they must say a word that begins with the letter given. Continue this in alphabetical order.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Sound Toss Game; Letter Sound Accuracy
A letter sounds game that students will love! They toss a bean bag onto a poster board with pictures on it, and tell what the first letter and sound is of the picture that the bean bag lands on. This site includes a link to printable...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Sound Spaghetti; Letter Sound Accuracy Game
A great game to teach students how to sound out words. Each student picks a piece of long paper out of the teacher's basket and pronounces the letters on it.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Musical Chairs Game; Letter Sound Accuracy
A letter sound accuracy game based on Musical Chairs. But to keep the chair that they sit in the student must pick a letter from the teacher's bucket and give a word that starts with that letter. A link to Letter Cards is included on...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Long Vowel Choice Game; Letter Sound Accuracy
An entertaining, whole class game to build the accuracy of the learners' abilities to identify the sounds of different vowels. This site includes a link to a Word List Generator.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Letter Ring Game: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A fun, unique version of the game "Ring Around the Rosie" that builds the students' accuracy in identifying letters, sounds, and words that begin with that letter. A link to printable letter cards is provided on this site as well.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Letter Hunt Tally: A Letter Sound Accuracy Game
Students play detective and discover a given letter at the beginning of a word. They keep a "tally" sheet and compete with their classmates. This site includes links to Letter cards and a Letter Hunt Tally Sheet.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Give Me Five; Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
An exciting game to build students' understanding and accuracy of producing words that begin with the same letter. Students sit in a circle and the teacher says the sound of the letter. One student must pass a bean bag around the circle...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Egg Carton Game; Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A small group game to build students' abilities to identify letters and their sounds. A student shakes an egg carton, opens it to see where a chip landed, and says the letter and its sound.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Connect 4 Words: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A reading game based on "Connect 4" that will build student's abilities to say the name and sound of a letter and find a word beginning with that sound.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? Letter Sound Accuracy Game
An exciting activity for the whole class to practice listening for a specific letter sound. When they hear a word with the sound they are listening for they give it a thumbs up; if it doesn't have the sound, they give it a thumbs down....
Free Reading
Free Reading: Most Common Sounds for Single Letters
This page contains audios of sounds for single letters. The audios give the letter sound and then pronounce a word that uses that sound. It gives only the short vowel sounds. The sounds are pronounced in a North American accent.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Tic Tac Toe; Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A letter sound version of Tic Tac Toe that students play with partners. Before they can take their turn, they must draw a letter and give three words that begin with that letter. Their partner must give them a thumbs up before they can...