University of Alberta
Atlas of Alberta Railways: Land Grant System
Presented by the University of Alberta, this resource contains information on the land grant system in the Alberta region. Information on how the Canadian government used land grants in the late 19th century to spur population growth in...
Canadian Pacific Railway Archives
Check out the awesome images of the railroads as they helped to connect Canada's east and west.
Canadian Museum of History
Cmc: The Last Best West: Advertising for Immigrants to Western Canada
Government claims to lands in Western Canada was one matter but maintaining sovereignty over these lands was quite another. Sir John A Macdonald's approach to maintaining sovereignty in western Canada by not losing the land to American...
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
University of Saskatchewan Library: A Biography of Louis Riel
This is a biography of Louis Riel, a leader of the Metis tribal group that revolted against the Canadian government in 1885. The revolt was put down and Riel was hanged.
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Usask Library: A Biography of Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker)
This is a biography of Pitikwahanapiwiyin or Poundmaker as he was known to the European Americans, one of the leaders of the Metis tribe that revolted against the Canadian government in 1885.
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Usas Library: A First Hand Account of the Rebellion of 1885
A contemporary account by Alexander Campbell, a Canadian soldier of the "Rebellion of 1885" in which the Metis tribe revolted against the Canadian government.
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Biography of Big Bear
A biography of Mistahimaskwa, called Big Bear by the European Americans, one of the leaders involved in the Rebellion of 1885, when the Metis tribe revolted against the Canadian government.
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Biography of Gabriel Dumont
The story of Gabriel Dumont, a leader of the Metis tribe, which revolted against the Canadian government in 1885.