Texas Instruments
Can You Breathe Like a Pinniped?
Young learners compare the breathing patterns of different animals in this pinniped lesson. They examine the breathing pattern of California sea lions and northern elephant seals. Pupils collect, compare and analyze data concerning...
The Marine Mammal Center
Check out the research and current topics sections for ways that this rehabilitation center for marine mammals is using tracking methods to keep tabs on some of the patients they have released back into the wild.
Noaa: Pinnipeds
What are pinnipeds? Learn about seals, sea lions, and walruses; their characteristics, where they live and their differences.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Jason: Can You Breathe Like a Pinniped?
From Shore to Sea: Pinnipeds are marine mammals that spend a great deal of time in the water. Like all marine mammals, pinnipeds breathe air through their lungs. In order to breathe, they must come up to the surface for air.
Noaa: Northeast Fisheries Science Center: Fish Faq
This site is provided for by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Do fish sleep? Do they chew food? Can any fish swim backwards? How many Pinnipeds are on the Endangered Species List? Find out the answers to these questions and many...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Amazing Adaptations Probing Pinnipeds
This is a technology-rich, hands-on science experiment exploring the world of pinniped adaptations using a digital probe as a data collection device.