Digital History
Digital History: Photograph Album With Cyanotypes
Read a brief Digital History description of the Calhoun Industrial School in Alabama, a school in the 19th century that provided industrial education to freed slaves and others. Following the description is an impressive collection of...
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Encyclopedia of Alabama: Religion: Religion in Alabama
Detailed encyclopedia entry describing the traditions and history of religion in Alabama.
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Encyclopedia of Alabama: Choctaw in Alabama
"Choctaw in Alabama" provides a concise historical overview of the local tribes federally known as the Mississippi Band of Choctaw and the MOWA, who are native to Alabama and other parts of the Southeastern United States.
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Encyclopedia of Alabama: Creeks in Alabama
The Creek Indians, native to Alabama are featured in this brief historical overview.
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Encyclopedia of Alabama: Peoples of Alabama: Cherokees of Alabama
A history of the Cherokees in Alabama, including their contributions to Alabama culture and society,
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: A Look at Our Natural Environment
During this lesson students will have the opportunity to research, analyze, and collect data on how the natural environment influenced the Native Americans long ago, and how it still influences us today. Using information gathered from...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Classroom Feud
As part of a unit about the state of Alabama, students spend time collecting information about the state, which they in turn report to a classroom in another state using distance learning equipment. Then the two classroms in different...