University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Affrilachia" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have Frank X. Walker's "Affrilachia." Text details that are neutral are blue, African-American are red, and Appalachian are green. Click on any word to see the percentage of...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Kentucke" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] Read Frank X. Walker's "Kentucke" and highlight details that are neutral in blue, African-American in red, and Appalachian in green. When finished, click save to see how others marked the text as well.
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "The Road Not Taken" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken." Text details related to sight are blue, time are red, and agency are green. Click on any word to see the percentage of users that...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "What Mitosis Has to Do With Families" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have ReadWorks' "What Mitosis Has to Do with Families." Text details related to descriptions are blue, definitions/examples are red, and comparisons/contrasts are green....
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Adho Establishes Working Group on Inclusivity" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Bethany Nowviskie's "Adho Establishes Working Group on Inclusivity." Ideological details are blue and pragmatic details are red. Click on any word to see...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "What I Learned From the Incredible Hulk" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Aimee Nezhukumatathil's "What I Learned from the Incredible Hulk." allusions are blue, questions or pauses are red, and details that are liked or important...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Tom Sawyer Chapter 2 Opening" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted the opening of chapter 2 of Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer. Emotional details are blue, sensory details are red, and nature details are green. Click on any word to...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "The Wife of Bath's Prologue [Excerpt]" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted an excerpt of Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue." Diction is blue while tone is red and imagery is green. Click on any word to see the...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Maples" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Judith Pordon's "Maples." Imagery is blue while personification is red and archetype is green. Click on any word to see the percentage of users that...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "On Self Knowledge" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Kahlil Gibran's "On Self-Knowledge." Blue details are sacred and red details are secular. Click on any word to see the percentage of users that highlighted...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Mark Twain's "A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It." Neutral phrases are blue while non southern phrases are red and southern phrases are...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Douglas Prism" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] Read Frederick Douglas' description of slave overseer Mr. Gore and highlight catalog in blue, anadiplosis in red, and chiasmus in green.
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Sam and Jack" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted an excerpt from Frederick Douglass' narrative. Details that show pathos are blue while details that show catalogue are red and details that show epistrophe...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Influences on Achievement" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Grant Wiggins' blog post "Influences on Achievement." Strategies we currently use are blue while strategies that are easy to begin are red, and the most...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: Narrative of Life
[Free Registration/Login Required] Read an excerpt from Frederick Douglass' narrative and highlight details that show pathos in blue, enlightenment in red, and contrast in green.
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "The Tone of American Pie" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted the lyrics to Don McLean's "American Pie." Details with a nostalgic tone are blue while details with a sad tone are red and an indignant or outraged tone...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Adt Ad Analysis" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted an advertisement from ADT. Details that show logos are blue while ethos are red and pathos are green. Click on any word to see the percentage of users that...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Gettysburg Address" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address." Details that show logos are blue while ethos are red and pathos are green. Click on any word to see the percentage...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Learning to Chunk" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Roald Dahl's "Learning to Chunk." Details that show characterization are blue while details that appeal to visualization or the senses are red and questions...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "The Power of Love" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the power of love. Details that show love are blue while details that show forgiveness are red. Click on any...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted Maya Angelou's poem "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." Details that show unjust treatment are blue while details that show poverty are green, and details...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Stopping by Woods" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] Read Robert Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and highlight details that show austere view in blue, details that show New England dialect in red, and trivial metaphor in green. When...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Wuthering Heights Ch 33" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted an excerpt from chapter 33 of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Details that show a supernatural or gothic element are blue while details that show strong...
University of Virginia Library
Prism: "Article 2 B" Visualization
[Free Registration/Login Required] See the results of how users have highlighted an article by Mary Sears entitled "How Texting Changes Communication." Details that show ethos are blue while details that show pathos are red, and details...