Pbs Learning Media: Engineer a Crop: Transgenic Manipulation
You're the geneticist now. In this interactive feature developed for the companion Web site for NOVA/FRONTLINE: "Harvest of Fear," use the latest in genetic technology to engineer your own "supercrop" of tomatoes.
Pbs Learning Media: What's Coming to Dinner? Genetically Modified Foods
Browse through a table full of genetically modified (GM) foods to see what's available now and what's to come. From FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear."
Pbs Teachers: Technology and Ethics
Investigate the meaning of ethics and morality as applied to technology and scientific advances. Research various issues related to scientific, technological and medical advances in the past decade and take a stand on each.
Genome British Columbia
Genome British Columbia: Terminator Technology for Gm Crops
In 1998, American scientists developed terminator seeds which grew into plants that were unable to reproduce. While this practice prevents the dangerous flow of genes to the wild, it has some disadvantages, for example, the added expense...