Bbc: Skillswise: Speaking and Listening: Formal and Informal Speaking
This Skillswise site focuses on formal and informal speaking. Included are a video about how to decide whether to use formal or informal speech, fact sheets and worksheets for instruction. The Skillswise sites from BBC are geared to...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Appropriate Language
This lesson focuses on using appropriate language in formal writing; it discusses pretentious language, jargon, and cliches. It defines each, provides examples, and explains why and how to avoid each. SL.9-10.6 Adapt to task/formal
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Using Appropriate Language
Knowing the right language for your particular audience is a necessary skill for all writers. No one wants to offend their audience or appear as though they don't know their content. Learn these rules of thumb to become more familiar...