Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: The Normal Curve
Provides lengthy explanations of the measures of central tendencies - mean, mode, and median - and the measures of variability - range, variance, standard deviation - are given here. Graphs of interesting "side items" are presented as...
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Normal Probabilities Applet #3
The Applet illustrates how to use the old-fashioned tables of normal probabilities and areas under the normal distribution cureve to arrive at corresponding graphs of the areas. A good resource for the topic.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Area Under the Normal Curve
This LearningCheck document is a good review of how to calculate the area under the normal curve given certain scenarios.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Normal Probabilities Applet #1
This Applet will assist the user in questions which specify a range of raw scores or z-scores and ask for a probability associated with them.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Normal Probabilities Applet #2
This Applet allows the user to grab and drag the ends of the included region below the standard normal curve to the appropriate places needed. The user directly experiences the connection between the shaded area under the curve and the...